Sunday, August 24, 2008

He Is Still Our Healer. Put Down Your Stones.

Gal 6:1
Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Some of you may have seen a video I posted a couple
of weeks ago about a song called "Healer" performed
by Hillsong United and writer Mike Guglielmucci.
The song itself, is a beautifully written song that
cries out to God "I believe, you're my healer."
I recall seeing the video, or links, on my friends
blogs talking about how they believed this song
was a wonderfully divine gift from God that is
being used in an enormous was.

Mike wrote the song about his 2 year long battle
with cancer, stating in the video about how when
he found out he immediately went home, sat behind
a piano, and starting worshipping and it was right
there the song was written beginning to end.
I don't want to make this into a big deal, as
many others seem to be doing right now. With
that being said, for those of you whom do not
know yet, Mike has confessed to his story being

I wont go into details, but for those of you
wishing to seek further truth about the situation
you can read the story here.
For those of you whom desire to read his official
statement click here.

When I read it, it did not shock me or anger
me; rather, it reminded me of how human we all
really are. It also does not surprise me
because Satan is vicious, and whether or not
he is using his addiction to pornography as
a crutch I do not know but I know how Satan
works. People often wonder why men in churches,
maybe even a figure in the church i.e. a pastor
or an influential evangelist, why these men
they fall so hard sometimes. I do not believe
it is weakness or strength alone that can save
us or condemn us, rather something far greater
is at work in which we can not see.

There is a spiritual realm that encompasses
us everyday, if we could only see! Satan goes
after those whom are the greatest threat to
him and his cause. This is why I believe it's
so important to remember that though these
people may fall, the strength it has taken
to be honest when you know you've done
something horrible is nothing short of a
miracle. With that, I can only ask this, do
not point your finger. Do not think for a
second you are good enough to throw stones
at this man when you've got sins of your
own to deal with.

I must admit, when I read this story I thought to
myself, how am I much different?
I write songs, and write words to praise my God
and the high heavens, and sometimes I do it fully
immersed in sin; so how am I different?

The answer is, I am not.
The difference is, I haven't had far to fall yet.

And the beauty of it all, throughout this
entire story is this.
God is still our Healer.

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