Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Pardon The Interruption.

I will wake up, with the Grace of God exploited all around
me and within me. My first step is simply one further away
from what I should be seeking. Instead I will begin the
christian compartmentalized path, and I will not seek him
in solitude; rather I will try to find him in the midst of
my busy day where anything but holiness is manifested.
And you expect me to grow!? How dare you! This is apathy,
this is the practice of cheap grace, this is the indulgence
of my self-esteem and far from who I am/should be in Christ.

Pardon The Interruption, when night falls.
"I will exploit you for all that you are, because behind
closed doors you are a worthless sinner," he says to me.
And, I let him win.
It would do some good to remember that, I am a sinner,
beforehand; as if to believe he's throwing a wrench in the
system or something along those lines. So, Pardon The
Interruption as your onslaught of temptation buries me in
my weakness. The beast is out for his prey, and he knows
that deep into the night, I am alone when I have not called
upon my God.

When the word is not fresh on my heart, and prayer is not
fresh from my mind. When I have summoned subconsciously
evil rather than the legions of angels spoken of in
Revelation. How foolish and selfish, you may be provoked
but you are not helpless! Stand firm in who you are in
Christ, and rise up against evil; have you not the boldness
to cast away fear, doubt, and temptation!?
Woe is the man who built his house on sand, for I have
found my house drifting out to sea and far from Galilee.
All the while I've not let down my anchor.
What good is an anchor if it has not left the boat?

God, would you be my anchor?
I am truly nothing without you.
Pardon The Interruption.
"I am God, and you are not."
Come and Live!

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