Tuesday, January 15, 2008

World Wealth. Prayer of St. Augustine.

Did you know, that it would cost $20 Billion Dollars to feed everyone in the world for a year?

Did you know that Americans spend that in Ice Cream every year? Let's no longer turn a def ear and a blind eye to the people around the world that are suffering. By making simple simple sacrifices, you could enhance the lives of tens, maybe even thousands. Think of what little you could give up, to make the entire world truly, a better place. I believe as Christians we are called to be Christ to all people, it's actually extremely obvious if you've ever read the bible that that is the people we are supposed to be.

Here are some statistics to think about:
- If you make minimum wage in the United States of America, you are still in the top 96th percentile of world wealth. Meaning, though you may be poor, you are indeed considered "rich."
- At present, 3 billion people live on less than $2 per day while 1.3 billion get by on less than $1 per day.
- According to Forbes 20th Annual List of the Richest People published in 2006, there are 793 billionaires in the world!
- "The 11th annual World Wealth Report from Merrill Lynch/Capgemini finds the World’s High Net Worth (HNW) population growing to 9.5 million with their assets rising to $37.2 trillion."

I can't look at these numbers and not feel guilty, because there are BILLIONS of people around the world going hungry, living in conditions we couldn't survive in for 48 hours, while we sit here in America living it up. Don't misinterpret me, I feel extremely blessed to have what I have and to have been born here and have the opportunities that I do; but we can no longer ignore the cries of the people in the world who need us!

As of January 08, 2008 there are 303,202,996 people in the United States alone.
Just think if even a quarter of us gave one dollar, ONE DOLLAR! What a difference that could make. I pray that mercy would be shown upon those who never come to give, due to pride and greed. Because they will be facing something that I never want to imagine, because there WILL be a day whether you want it to come or not, that we will face our maker and he will know our deeds.

My heart is broken.
Less of me, and more of you Father.
When the poor are hungry, homeless or alienated, the Church has come to their aid by providing food, shelter and missionaries to meet the pressing needs. But when the poor have been oppressed, treated unjustly and suffered under the hand of someone more powerful, little was done on their behalf.

Breathe in me O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy; Act in me O Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy; Draw my heart O Holy Spirit, that I love but what is holy; Strengthen me O Holy Spirit, to defend all that is holy; Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy. Amen.

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